Fidget toys

Friday, October 24, 2008

Forces Field Trip

Yesterday, we went to the cegep Garneau for a demonstration on forces. We learned about gravity, static electricity, weight/scales, air pressure and physical strength etc... He did some cool smaller demonstraions, too. One of the coolest ones was when he used a smoke machine and put the smoke into a drumlike container. He tapped the bottom and rings of smoke came out of the top. A funny thing he did was when he put leaf blower by his mouth and his cheeks inflated. Also with a big water container, he used a lighter and put it inside, and it went across the room!
It was a fun field trip!


Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Yesterday the 40th General Election was held. Steven Harper won this election along with the Conservative Party. The opposition is Stephen Dion and the Liberal Party. Steven Harper had many ridings. The last election, Steven Harper won also. I hope the new Prime Minister does well!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Mealworms In The Classroom!!!

In 6b, we have started a subject in science. We have started metamorphosis. For that subject, we needed bugs that go through a complete metamorphosis. We decuded to choose mealworms. We get them today, and all of us have our containers ready for our new friends. :-D