Fidget toys

Friday, October 12, 2012

World Record Science Experiment

I hope you all liked doing the science expirements about the Bernoulli principle. The funniest part was when we splashed each other in the face with water. My experiment with the baloons didn't work because there was too much static with the baloons so they stuck on us. My favorite experiment was the one with the glass of water and the straws. The one with the water was my favorite because when we blew on the straw the water came out like a spray.

                                      By: Audrey   

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


This year, the students in 6B are recycling the containers that students bring in their lunches. What we accept for recycling are cans (V8 etc.), juice boxes, glass containers and plastics that have a recycling sign and a number. The number 6 + plastic bags cannot be recycled in Quebec City. Every day teams rinse and sort the containers. This year, we will also offer services such as dead batteries collection and a used book sale. You may drop off any used books (French and English), that are in good condition, at the office.

Bois de Coulonge

On October 3rd, our class (6B) went to the Bois de Coulonge.  We learned all about trees including how to identify the species, the age, diseases and insects that harm them, and what different trees produce for us.  We also learned how the park belonged to different people in the past, and how the land had various uses.  Did you know that Samuel Holland once owned half of the park, and that a Lieutenant Governor died there? After the walk, we had a delicious snack of chocolate cookies and had time to play football, soccer, tag, fish and cowboy.  We brought back samples to do fun experiments. Before the trip, we did tree projects, research about the forestry industry, and some experiments, but we still wanted to learn more about trees. It was fun and educational.