Fidget toys

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Holland School Party!!

The Party was a success. Everybody had fun including the teacher. The kids at Holland school are always happy to have a party. Halloween party's at Holland school is not just eating candy's it's well eating. Talking with your friends and having fun with your friends. Partying and dancing it's all these things at the same time and having fun especially having fun. I would like to thank all the people that helped to make this Halloween dance a real success all the teachers at Holland school and to our principal Ms. Laurent. To the grade six that baked us some delicious cup cakes and goodies. The grade six classes raised 400 dollars just with the baking. Last but not least the communities people without them we wouldn't have the party the communities helped us with the baking too and they were the people in the front door. I which that the next Halloween party will be has fun as the last one.


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