Fidget toys

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Le Relais

On February 15, the two grade six classes visited  “Le Relais” for snowboarding or skiing.   It was very fun and the snow was perfect for this activity. The beginners, who took lessons, fell often but eventually everyone got back up and continued. The more experienced skiers came to encourage us not to give up.

The weather outside was warm and everyone had a great time. My favourite part was the thrill of going down a huge mountain really fast for the first time in my life.                                                                                                                                                               

Some people brought their GO-PROS™ (a camera that you put on your helmet) and we are going to watch ourselves fall on the Smart board and laugh!  It was very fun and I hope I get to go again some other time.   

Thanks to the teachers for organizing this event.

By Julien Dion

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