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Saturday, April 13, 2013

SQ Officier visit

On April 2nd, a member of the Sûreté Québec Police Service, Karine Michaud, visited the grade sixes to speak about choices we’ll be facing as we move into high school. Ms. Michaud works at St. Pat’s, QHS, and Perreault High Schools. She talked to us about some of her experiences with students and illegal drugs, why people take them, and how it`s hard to stop taking drugs. We learned that cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana, even energy drinks contain drugs. She suggested that we prepare ahead of time for when someone might offer of drugs. She showed us 7 ways to say no to people who offer drugs, for example, by sticking with friends who also want to say no. She explained that drugs cause physical, legal, and mental consequences for people who use them. They can damage your brain while it is growing by burning cells or preventing cells from growing. It can make you sick and get addicted so you can never stop. You can get a criminal record. She talked about how just trying once is a bad idea. Ms. Michaud said that we should tell an adult if we see people with drugs so that they can get help.
By Malorie Dion

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