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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Chicken Hare by Julien

Oral language arts reading presentation

The title of my book is called “Chicken Hare”. It represents the main character that is half chicken, half hare. He has ears and tail like a rabbit but his legs and wings are like a chicken. He is a rare and exotic creature that’s nick-named “chicken legs”. The journey begins with a mysterious silhouette of a man and 2 small furry animals. It’s not until the second page that you really see the setting and the characters. The author did a great job of keeping you on the edge of your seat and making you keep reading. The suspense also rises as you jump in head first into dialogue. You can tell this book is a fantasy by looking at the first page. The animals are talking and the man is talking about some kind of monster with sharp teeth called shromph. The author also exaggerates with his art by making rich people have big noses, servants have small ones and he made the bad buys look as hideous and savage. Unshaved beard, loose jeans, huge smiles with pointy teeth and more. The setting is in a huge snow storm with mountains of ice. It reminded me of Antarctica.
       I think the meaning of the book is being different doesn’t mean you have different rights and respect. Klaus, the evil taxidermist, wants to kill and stuff chicken Hare just because he’s weird and different; I think everybody should have the same rights, the same respect and the same rules. I also the author wants to tell us that being too controlling doesn’t help relationships. For example Mr. Klaus stuffs his pets because he doesn’t want them to run away. In life you need to let your friends have their own air bubble and you have to give them space to live. When Chicken Hare and his friends: Banjo the monkey, Meg, and Abe the turtle, Escape Klaus, chicken legs finds a goat’s ghost and he chooses to follow him. He gets separated from the group. The goat, (Mr. Buttons) asks him a favour. Mr Buttons wants to get rid of his old master Klaus because it was his fault he was stuffing animals. He ran away from his master and then Klaus didn’t want his pets to run away so he stuffed them instead. I think that Mr. Buttons represents Martin Luther King because he wants to help the animals who are different. Just like Martin wanted to help the black citizens. I also think that Klaus represents the old government that were against the people with different skin colors. In my opinion, I see Chicken Hare as the strongest character because he is a leader and the intelligent one of the pack. He’s the one who gets the plans; he’s the one who keeps the team from breaking down. Like Banjo and Meg the siblings. If it weren’t be for chicken hare they would have fought each other and not the enemy. At the end they help each other when in need and even like one another. My favourite character was banjo because his personality was like mine. He is a clown and makes jokes all the time. He always looks on the bright side and even though facing death right in the face he can pull out a joke and cheer everyone up in a second. The author chose to make a graphic novel instead of a regular novel because he wanted to express his thoughts in more than just words. For example; he wanted to say that being different doesn’t mean you are weaker. He made the shromph small but very strong and powerful. He wouldn’t have been able to do that in words so that’s why he drew it instead.   

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