Title: Kingdom hearts II
Adapted by: Shiro Amano
CharactersRoxas: He is the main character for the beginning because he has the key blade to open the gate to awake soradonoldand goofy. The key blade is an big key to use as a weapon. Roxas is a young boy like 14 years old. Roxas went in a house that only the key blade could open it. There was a girl named Namine she new every thing about the key blade she said roxas is not suppose to exist he is just an illusion to open the gate.
Sora: he is the main character he is young too he is like 15 years old. He has THE key blade. Sora needs to break the portal of evil that’s were the heartless come from. And the key blade Sora has is the only one that can break the portal. He has to partners Donald and goofy.
My opinions is the book is good but all the story went so fast I recommend this book for boys because there is a lot of fighting. The story explain like if you were there.
Adapted by: Shiro Amano
CharactersRoxas: He is the main character for the beginning because he has the key blade to open the gate to awake soradonoldand goofy. The key blade is an big key to use as a weapon. Roxas is a young boy like 14 years old. Roxas went in a house that only the key blade could open it. There was a girl named Namine she new every thing about the key blade she said roxas is not suppose to exist he is just an illusion to open the gate.
Sora: he is the main character he is young too he is like 15 years old. He has THE key blade. Sora needs to break the portal of evil that’s were the heartless come from. And the key blade Sora has is the only one that can break the portal. He has to partners Donald and goofy.
My opinions is the book is good but all the story went so fast I recommend this book for boys because there is a lot of fighting. The story explain like if you were there.
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